
Monday, December 12, 2005

"we are a generation without secrets"

goddessat3am: from warren ellis' blog:…we are tore up:
"i've tried to explain this to people before but no one seems to understand what i mean when i say we are a generation without secrets. anything anyone could do to us, anything we could do to ourselves has already been splayed out in all its bloody glory on some talk show, or lifetime special, or reality tv. nothing in us is sacred, nothing hides itself away for the sake of staying sacred. we've been horrifically exposed and so we know nothing other than how to expose ourselves in the most painful ways. this isn't vilification, either; i am entirely complicit. i strongly desire to be a nude model, to pose for erotica websites. i have nothing sacred, and therefore desire to open myself up. nothing would make me happier than knowing someone somewhere is coming all over his or her hand thinking about the image of me naked.

this is fucked up but i don't see any way to remedy it."

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