
Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Treehugger: The Loon: Solar-Powered DIY Pontoon Boat

I want one.

Treehugger: The Loon: Solar-Powered DIY Pontoon Boat:
"Six-day boating cruise along Ontario's scenic Trent-Severn Waterway: 'Cost of fuel for the 100-mile cruise? Zero. Amount of air and water pollution? Zero. Number of stares from other boaters? Countless.' Monte Gisborne is a mechanical engineer who built The Loon, a solar-powered pontoon boat. 'A guy with a 45-foot powerboat said his fuel costs were $5 a mile. I can do 10 miles a day for free with the sun [and 30 to 40 miles with batteries],' Gisborne said."

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