
Friday, December 09, 2005

See, this could'a got me playing video games as a youth...

Video game unlocks orgasm secrets:
"Heather Kelley, a designer with Ubisoft, wants to help women take a 'magical pet adventure'' to their 'happy place.''

The prototype teaches how to reach orgasm by simulating the affect of pleasurable sensation on the cartoon. Players tickle, touch, tap, and stroke Lapis using the touch screen of the Nintendo DS, a hand-held video game device. They can also talk, sing and blow on the bunny's fur using the device's built-in microphone.

The more they stimulate the bunny, the happier he becomes until eventually he begins flying through the air. But Lapis is also an unpredictable creature who needs a variety of sensations. Sometimes, no amount of stimulation is going to work.

'Sex is a perfectly natural part of the human experience and there has to be a way to handle it meaningfully and tastefully in games,'' said Kelley, who took first prize for the prototype at the Montreal International Games Summit last month.

Kelley, 36, has helped design blockbuster titles ranging from Splinter Cell to Thief, and serves as chair of the 'Women in game development'' committee of the International Game Developers Association.

Her game, downloadable for free at, offers 'a stealthy primer'' on female sexuality, and is meant primarily as a conversation piece to stimulate debate around the prevalence of sex in video games today, she said."

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