
Monday, December 19, 2005

Pop Occulture

Pop Occulture:
"The thing I’m starting to realize is that the benefit of the type of searching that I’m doing (whatever you want to call it) is not that you get smarter or better at decoding meanings, or anything like that. The benefit is in what happens to you along the way while you’re not paying attention. While you’re busy trying to figure out if Jesus and Mary Magdalene were shagging, or if the Nephilim and/or Annunaki populated the Earth from outer space, changes are happening that you’re not noticing. It seems like, in a sense, these other things serve as puzzles. They are big tangled thorny nasty knots for you to occupy a certain part of your mind that needs occupying while the real work is allowed to go on way way beneath the surface in areas that won’t manifest themselves fully for months or years after you’ve given up on trying to decipher the secret Masonic layout of Washington, DC."

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