
Thursday, December 29, 2005

Outpost Nine :: Editorials :: I Am a Japanese School Teacher

"I Am a Japanese School Teacher" is the funniest, and occasionally most touching, writing about being an ALT on the JET Programme that I've come across. Great stuff. I've spent the last two days reading about his life in Japan.

If I was a third of the writer he was, this blog wouldn't quite... suck... so bad.

But hey, at least I link to cool stuff.

I Am a Japanese School Teacher

Outpost Nine :: Editorials :: I Am a Japanese School Teacher:
"The worst part is, even I stopped caring too! That last little shred of American sanity is screaming at me 'Dude, that was fucking weird! That boy aint right! Do something!' But the rest of my brain, which is slowly but surely being assimilated by Japanese culture, is saying 'Oh, ha ha ha! He tried very hard to grab my big black American penis. I admire his 'gambatte!' spirit! Now, I must remember to pick up some tentacle rape animated porn on the way home from work, and see if I can't grope a few high school girls on the train as I go.'"

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