
Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Oh that crazy internet! It's so wacky!

Suburban Guerrilla » And Look, It’s Even Worse Than We Said:
"...there’s always this tone that implies we’re out there in the far fringe of reality, so blinded by Bush hatred that we can’t even see straight.

Let’s see. What were we saying about BushCo that was so very radicial?

They lied to get us into a war. They stole the election – twice. They’re filling important government positions with incompetent hacks.

They’re destroying the economy. They have elevated corporate concerns and steadily decreased any form of worker protection. They tried to gut Social Security.

They’re the most unethical and criminal administration we’ve seen in decades. They ignore civil liberties. Other than that, I’m sure they’re very nice people – to their dogs, at least.

So seriously: Where were we wrong?"

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