
Tuesday, December 20, 2005

MyDD :: Off the Deep End

MyDD :: Off the Deep End:
"In other words, everyone needs to shut up and let the executive branch break the law, and if they don't, they're committing treason. No one is asking the President to talk about specifics, so the premise is total garbage, that his critics are somehow trying to force a public debate about each and every phone call the White House wants to listen in on. The debate here is about an ongoing policy. To say that exposure of this program somehow tipped off terrorists that American intelligence may be listening in on their phone calls is to assume that Al Qaeda was somehow unaware of FISA wiretaps. That is patently ridiculous.

...At the end of the day, this is a matter of law. The President decided that he needed to circumvent the law in order to fight his war on terror the way he wanted to. That is a fact. Some Bush supporters will say the President didn't break any laws. That is a lie. Some Bush supporters will say that was within the President's authority to break the law. That too is a lie. The only matter up for debate now is whether the President should be held to account for usurping dictatorial powers in wartime. Some will say that he should not. I say that those people have forfeited their right to ever talk about "freedom," "democracy," or "liberty" in this or any other country around the world ever again. "

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