
Friday, December 02, 2005

"My goal is to cut government... down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub." - Grover Norquist

d r i f t g l a s s: Anti-Gummint Party Sycophant Wonders,:
"For the last thirty years, in order to gain control over the levers of power, the Party of God has raised a steady, fanatical war not against some particular policy, but against the legitimacy of government and of civil and secular society itself.

A war against tolerance... against peace... against human rights... against civil rights... against labor... against women... against children... against the Prince of Peace (hat-tip to Jimmy Carter for that one.)... against kindness and commonwealth.

A war against every authentic American value we have.

And it has been that alliance of thieves, con men, Armageddonists and bigots that call themselves the Republican Party – BoBo’s Party -- that has waged this war, carefully, deliberately and each in single-minded pursuit of its own particular and despicable agenda.

Hey, asshat, didn’t you get the memo?

Destroying our faith in institutions? Undermining our confidence in our ability to unite and solve out common problems?

That. Was. The. Fucking. Plan. Asshole.

Because there was no other way for theocrats and thugs to take over the United State than for them to rip the throat out of the whole idea of what the United States and pee on it as it bled to death. All while apologists for those selfsame rat-bastards -- like BoBo -- “look with alarm” at the prostrate nation bleeding out, scratching their fat asses and wondering aloud, “Lawd have mercy! Whoever could have done such a thing?!”

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