
Friday, December 16, 2005

Magical Blend Interviews "An interview with Marlo Morgan"

Magical Blend Interviews "An interview with Marlo Morgan":
"...reality is already a web of fictions, and many a nonfiction book speaks the truth. Consensual reality is categorization, so trying to hang a label on any work whose aim is to bust open the seams of consensual reality is doomed to failure. In the final analysis, Marlo Morgan's guided tour into dreamtime has to be judged on the affect it has on the reader, for if the reader experiences, in some small way, an opening to the inner world, labels such as fiction and nonfiction begin to stop making sense. The truth may be experiential rather than factual. It is not the controversy here that's important; it's the story. As Shakespeare said, 'The play is the thing.'"

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