
Monday, December 19, 2005

Kung Fu Monkey: Rule of Law? Over There, Behind my Socks

Kung Fu Monkey: Rule of Law? Over There, Behind my Socks:
"Much like when the President mis-spoke the other day and said 'It's the President's job to decide when to send in the troops' (No, that's Congress' job. It says so in a little thing we like to call the Constitution, Article 1 Section 8), the disconnect between how people seem to think the government should work, believe it does work, how it's actually designed to work, and how it actually works has reached a critical mass. Personally I blame shitty 6th grade Social Studies teachers. We should round them up and inter them all without due process. And what's terrifying is that there is a precedent for just such an act.

But this is the fundamental question people need to be asking themselves: is this how they think the government should work? If the answer is 'yes', then fine, you feel free to live in whatever version of America you want, but don't pretend it is in any way related to the one set out in the Constitution, or even the one defined by common sense. Just go back to calling the rich folk 'Your Lordship' and sleep better at night. If the answer's 'no', well then, you have to decide if keeping the gay folk from marrying or disdain for universal healthcare and/or Michael Moore is worth living in a police state."

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