
Friday, December 30, 2005

"If you are not suffering, you are not Japanese." - The nationality summed up with a simple phrase

Outpost Nine :: Editorials :: I Am a Japanese School Teacher:
"I actually decided to pay attention to the daily morning meeting for once. The principal stood up and said something to the effect of 'Now, summer vacation is coming up. Of course, you are all entitled to your paid vacation time, and you're more than welcome to take it. But, the kids will be coming here everyday for their sports clubs, and I think they might be happy to come to school and see your smiling face. ...Of course, it's not *mandatory* to come to school, as I said, please, if you want to take your paid vacation, please do so. But I do think the students would be happy to see all your smiling faces over the summer.'

Run this through the Japanese Indirectness Translator...

'Come to work. Everyday. The kids will suffer, we will suffer, we will all suffer together splendidly. If you are not suffering, you are not Japanese.'"

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