
Friday, December 02, 2005

"I wanted to make a great movie. And I think I did that."

Yes sir, he sure did...

Interview : Joss Whedon - MoviesOnline:
"The Dude: In all seriousness, I loved the movie. I thought it was great, the best movie I've seen all year... Why doesn't the rest of the world agree with me?

Joss Whedon: I don't think they disagree with you. It wasn't a horrible bomb. Yes it did struggle. It's a question of how do you market a film that doesn't have any stars. Or a film that's just not one thing, that is generally diverse. Ultimately, I'm enormously surprised that people came out and saw it. That's what matters.

The Dude: I'm not trying to paint a negative picture, here, sorry.

Joss Whedon: Believe me, there's negativity. I wanted it to be a huge hit. Endless sequels, and everyone in it becomes famous. But first and foremost, I wanted to make a great movie. And I think I did that."

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