
Friday, December 30, 2005

Hey look. We're evil. Again.

Daily Kos: Torturing children:
"The Murray Torture Memos include this snippet:

At the Khuderbegainov trial I met an old man from Andizhan. Two of his children had been tortured in front of him until he signed a confession on the family's links with Bin Laden. Tears were streaming down his face. I have no doubt they had as much connection with Bin Laden as I do. This is the standard of the Uzbek intelligence services.

Greg Saunders comments:

To the fools out there who routinely praise the President for having the 'moral clarity' to call terrorists evil, how can you reconcile that with the chummy relationship he's made with tyrants? The lesser of two evils argument doesn't really work when you chide anyone whose view of fighting terrorism is more nuanced than 'smoke them out of their holes' and you verbally fellate the President for being 'right on the only issue that matters'. You're either in favor of moral relativism or you're not.

What's particularly hilarious is that the administration's apologists are turning a blind eye to one of the world's last stalinist regimes. They are cavorting with a brutal communist tyrant.

So who are the commie sympathizers? Who is supporting a tyrannical regime that runs rape and torture rooms, which routinely boils people alive and tortures children? Who is backing a country that regularly kills large numbers of its people?"

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