
Monday, December 12, 2005

"Fuck this. We’re Americans. Americans don’t torture. Period."

d r i f t g l a s s: Sunday Morning Comin' Down - Part II.:
"The “This Week” round table was also interesting for two reasons.

First was Cool Papa Fareed Z. articulating for the s-l-o-w children in the room why Torture is Bad. Why it endangers us. That the US has always been the gold standard for moral authority, and Bush pisses that away at our collective peril.

And, yes, to anyone who might be reading this twenty years hence, instead of saying “Fuck this. We’re Americans. Americans don’t torture. Period.” we really are having an internationally public hairsplitting Republican Tent Show about torturing people in custody.

...Fareed seems to understand that as we set the moral standard for the world, so shall we be held to that standard by the world. The Party that feverishly impeached one President for blowjobs and yawns as another lies and lies and lies and sends our children to their graves seems to think the rest of the world will sit still for their sickening hypocrisy.

He seems to understand that wars come and go, but what the GOP is throwing away by picking nits over something as primally evil as torture will damage us irreparably and for generations."

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