
Sunday, December 11, 2005

Don't allow the facts to confuse your faith... God forbid.

Gates of Horn: Christmas...what really happened?:
"The Roman Christians who made their political contract with the Emperor Constantine, whom some of them regarded as the Messiah, made sure to include the rituals of his personal religion when organizing their new and politically correct religion. Constantine worshipped Mithras, the god of the everlasting Sun, as most of the Roman soldiers did.

Among the ancient rites of Mithras were the Eucharist, the concept of sins being washed away by a blood sacrifice taught by a Saviour, the Resurrection, the birthday celebration of Mithras on the 25th of December, and many more.

These popular and ancient rituals became for the first time an essential part of the Roman pattern of Christianity and have been honored by them ever since 325, three centuries after the birth of Jesus. To put it bluntly, Jesus became Saviour, Messiah, and Son of God by winning the election and the majority vote of the Council of Nicaea. These things were not Church dogma or doctrine before that time. The vote was unanimous because those who disagreed were exiled. We are very familiar today with consensus based on intimidation. Politicians don’t change over the centuries and these Christians were playing politics with the Emperor, who was looking for an authoritarian religion he could support."

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