
Thursday, November 03, 2005

Witness the ever present healing power of religion

You know, in the contest of batshit crazy religious folk I gotta give this one to the Muslims.

Despite the CNN headline of "Christian DVD sparks riot" a more accurate headline might be "Nutty Muslims riot because their God demands savaging of small plastic discs; other religious ideas."

That headline probably wouldn't have made it past the editor though. - Christian DVD sparks riot - Oct 21, 2005:
"Christian DVD sparks riot
Muslims clash with police outside Egyptian church; 1 dead, 90 wounded

Friday, October 21, 2005; Posted: 10:01 p.m. EDT (02:01 GMT)

ALEXANDRIA, Egypt (AP) -- One person died and more than 90 were injured as thousands of Muslims rioted outside a Coptic Christian church Friday to denounce a play deemed offensive to Islam. Police responded by beating protesters and firing tear gas into the crowd, officials said..."

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