
Tuesday, November 01, 2005

U.S. Military Wants to Own the Weather - Yahoo! News

Figure by the time you hear about it - think SR-71, Stealth, etc - it's already advanced tech.

Bush II has the largest black budget allocation in history.

1 + 1 = making you batshit crazy if you really think about it.

U.S. Military Wants to Own the Weather - Yahoo! News:
"...some blue sky thinkers have already looked into these and other scenarios in 'Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025' – a research paper written by a seven person team of military officers and presented in 1996 as part of a larger study dubbed Air Force 2025.

...Air Force 2025 was a study that complied with a directive from the chief of staff of the Air Force 'to examine the concepts, capabilities, and technologies the United States will require to remain the dominant air and space force in the future.'

"Current technologies that will mature over the next 30 years will offer anyone who has the necessary resources the ability to modify weather patterns and their corresponding effects, at least on the local scale," the authors of the report explained. "Current demographic, economic, and environmental trends will create global stresses that provide the impetus necessary for many countries or groups to turn this weather-modification ability into a capability."

...The report on weather-altering ideas underscored the capacity to harness such power in the not too distant future.

"Assuming that in 2025 our national security strategy includes weather-modification, its use in our national military strategy will naturally follow. Besides the significant benefits an operational capability would provide, another motivation to pursue weather-modification is to deter and counter potential adversaries," the report stated. "The technology is there, waiting for us to pull it all together," the authors noted...

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