
Monday, November 14, 2005

Ten Questions with Sarah Silverman

Sports Hollywood - Ten Questions with Sarah Silverman:
"SportsHollywood: Which do you enjoy more: Getting a basket in front of a crowd or getting a laugh in front of a crowd?

SILVERMAN: They're both great. You can't compare them. What do you like better: cumming on a porn star's back, or watching your first child be born into the world? --See, they're both wonderful.

SportsHollywood: Name five Clippers.


SportsHollywood: What's your favorite sports movie?

SILVERMAN: Brian's Song. I love when James Caan calls Billy Dee Williams a 'nigger,' and Billy Dee laughs his ass off. And then he tells his girlfriend who's also black--I think it was Judy Pace--and she laughs. It shows the truth--that the real meaning of a word is only as powerful or harmless as the emotion behind it. And it's awesome illustration of a friendship without any exposition. Is that a good answer? I'm a jackass.

SportsHollywood: What is the worst sports movie ever made?

SILVERMAN: Schindler's List.

SportsHollywood: Who is your favorite athlete?

SILVERMAN: Muhammad Ali. In his prime he was a funny, smart thinker, untainted by the forces and opinions around him. He's the greatest. And I thought his relationship with Howard Cosell surpassed any in even the best buddy movies."

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