
Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Suburban Guerrilla » Wanton Sluts

Suburban Guerrilla » Wanton Sluts:
"I get so tired of the whole abortion debate, because if it were only about that, opponents would be spending a lot more time pushing birth control.

It’s about sex. It always is.

It’s about women who like sex, have it and then have the nerve to not stand up and take their God-given punishment – especially when other people are willing to step up and adopt their little white babies.

It’s about control.

It’s not about spousal rights, either. If it were, men would need their wife’s permission to get a vasectomy.

I wish these angry, repressed people would find something to do with their lives that doesn’t involve sniffing someone else’s sheets. I wish people didn’t think of women and babies as property, and that legislators who can’t seem to keep their own pants zipped didn’t stick their noses in other people’s business.

But gee, that would put the Republican party out of business."

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