
Friday, November 18, 2005

Key 23 | Occulture Evolved

Key 23 | Occulture Evolved:
"Living your life on a snarling, teeth-gritting vent doesnt necessarily mean that you will be taken seriously as you throw your pearls before many a thankless sow; friends who you selflessly try to introduce to the higher reality of Magick, friends who stare back at you like they just caught you fucking their grandmother in the mouth.

However there are so many different experiences to console yourself with in the hyper realities. I mean, its not all bad, drug induced conversations with the God's who reside over your local Tesco or Wall Mart.

...Magick clears the playing field of a constructed reality from hurt, guilt, love, loss, pleasure. It turns you into a golem that is an impenetrable haven from bullshit. It allows you to find your own guilt, your own love, your own pleasure, your own loss and not the emotions stolen from a second hand archetype from a fake TV show, that the majority of society will use to cut a piece of truth from, so that they will have at least something to wear that they think is their own, even if it's just a haircut that belongs to someone who never even existed. "

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