
Friday, November 04, 2005

John Keel

Bray Road Beast: Some Notes on Gadara:
"One of our favorite Fortean writers is John A. Keel. We like him because he's an idea man. Sometimes the stranger the idea, the better.

Keel's an experienced investigator, having talked to thousands of witnesses while getting involved in some of the most famous paranormal events of the 20th Century, from the Mothman sightings to the Hopkinsville Siege of 1955. He's written a string a books, each seemingly weirder than the previous, filled with dark imaginings, paranoia, and the flat out bizarre...

Keel posits that different paranormal beings seen throughout time are really manifestations from the same source. These entities appear to us in accordance with different belief systems. To some, these figures are trickster figures; to others, devils; to others, fairies or aliens or leprechauns. Or gods. Or robots or Men In Black or many other multifarious and sometimes malignant manifestations. They are legion, literally. He calls them Ultraterrestrials.

Ultraterrestrails are beings from the superspectrum, from dimensions or frequencies or energy levels beyond that we can perceive with our limited human perceptions. They exist beyond the three dimensions with which we are familiar.

These entities have the ability to cruise up and down the spectrum, to change their very vibration or wave frequencies, and become manifest to our human senses. As they move through the spectrum, they suddenly materialize into the visible spectrum, and thus we see them. As they continue moving through, they dematerialize out of our spectrum, and we no longer see them. Able to control their frequency, they seemingly wink into existence, or out. Along with their ability to change energy or frequency, they have the ability to take whatever form or appearance they desire.

We have no way of testing this theory. But it's wonky, dances to a good beat, and we are sometimes persuaded of its ability to explain certain repetitious phenomena. However, as occasionally persuasive as this theory is, there is no method of testing the validity of the existence of Ultraterrestrials, and so we cannot fully endorse it, as it's unprovable..."

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