
Sunday, November 13, 2005

The God Who Wasn't There

Entertaining documentary. Too brief and occasionally a little juvenile, but worth a watching...

Movie Review: The God Who Wasn't There:
"The earth revolves around the sun. But it wasn't always that way. The sun used to revolve around the earth. It was like that for hundreds of years until it was discovered to be otherwise, and even for a hundred years after that. But ultimately, after much kicking and screaming, the earth did, in fact, begin to revolve around the sun.

Christianity was wrong about the solar system. What if it's wrong about something else too? This movie is about what happened when I went looking for Jesus.

--Brian Flemming, narrator

...Although Paul did write about Jesus at around 60 C.E., The documentary reveals what most Christians don't know about Paul: If Jesus really had lived as a historical human being, nobody told Paul about it. In all of Paul's epistles, (about 80,000 words), he never mentions a historical Jesus! He never heard of Mary, Joseph, a birth in Bethlehem, King Herod, the miracles, ministry, no trial by Jews, or trial by Pontius Pilate. In other words, the man who invented Christianity had no idea that Jesus walked the earth.

...The film reveals that the Christian religion developed in the same way as virtually every previous religion: with a dying and rising savior. Attis, Mithras, Osiris, Dionysus, Hercules, and many other gods predate Jesus and they bear a striking resemblance to him. The similarities include: healing the sick, casting out demons, eating the flesh and blood of the savior, remaining dead for three days, then rising, and lots more."

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