
Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Generation Hex

Generation Hex:
"Magick, like Science, is a way of looking at the world. Science analyzes the mechanisms underlying material phenomena. Magick gives meaning and context to human experience. The former seeks objectivity, the latter celebrates subjectivity. Both are equally valid and are not mutually exclusive. Science can explain the metabolic details of senescence, can determine the trajectory of the bullet and what it did to the skull and brain upon impact. But it can't provide any meaningful reason that a loved one was taken from life in such a way. Nor should it. This is the domain of spirit and soul. Of living magick.

...We live bathed in a sea of memories, images, thoughts, and dreams, all woven together into the ceaseless Now. Our internal maps of the world are linguistic constructs built upon subjectivity. There may be a fundamental Reality out there but if there is, we'll never know it by anything other than inference.

...The relentless curse of the ego insists that life is binary and logical, yet the practical experience of living in the world betrays this assumption. Chemistry is logical. Mathematics are usually rational. Weather is neither. Nor are quantum mechanics and the physics of light, to say nothing of human emotion, intuition, imagination, and love.

I want Science to make better tools and to continue to grapple with the mechanics of the Kingdom. I don't want Science to strip meaning and subjectivity from the world in the process. Rationalism is a convenience for getting things done but it's not the law of the land. I want to live in a world of synchronicities, of living myths, where images and signs and nature all speak to me personally. I want to revel in the mysteries of Love and Creation and be consumed in the darkness of the unknown body of Nuit. I want to write my imagination into being, into existence, the word become flesh writ in flames a thousand years tall. Some wish to reduce all to science. I wish to expand all to magick."

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