
Thursday, November 03, 2005

"But what if the real evil is almost universally worshipped as good?"

Phenomena - Home - Editorial:
"But what if the real evil is almost universally worshipped as good? What if, through centuries of persecution, the mephitic has subdued the majority into a numbed, blind belief of which any questioning incurs retribution?

...The Judeo-Christian God, evil? I hear you cry. Never! He is the God of forgiveness and love!

Nay, reply I – he is the same as Ialdabaoth: an aberrant, abhorrent, genocidal maniac.

But it is the devil that is evil, you retort. And in that, you are wrong. We do not even have to resort to the Gnostic gospels or any other arcane literature to see this. Got a Bible handy?

Jehovah, the self-proclaimed god of the Israelites (and of no other tribe, let’s make that clear), appeared a few thousand years ago, according to the Bible. For the sake of argument, I’ll ignore the fact that his name changes and that he goes from being plural (Elohim) to singular (El), and that his main preoccupation is that his tribe does not worship any other gods, even though he repeatedly states that he, as an Omnipotent Deity, exists alone. No, I’ll skip that and instead compare what the God of Goodness has done, and what the foul Satan (his apparent opposite) has done. Again, for the sake of argument, I’ll not cite the different names and descriptions of the devil as that may confuse the reader into believing that the Bible constantly talks about different entities, or why the Bible’s antagonist is clearly shown to have absolutely no chance of winning.

...Occasionally, it gets just a little confusing as to WHO is the root of all evil. Christians will tell you that it is Satan, but the Bible shows otherwise:

1 Samuel 16:16 And it shall come to pass, when the evil spirit from God is upon thee, that he shall play with his hand, and thou shalt be well.

1 Samuel 18:10 And it came to pass on the morrow, that the evil spirit from God came upon Saul.

1 Samuel 19:9 And the evil spirit from the LORD was upon Saul

1 Kings 22:23 Now therefore, behold, the LORD hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets, and the LORD hath spoken evil concerning thee.


...Genesis 8,21 And the LORD smelled the sweet savour [Ed – the burning flesh of sacrificed animals]; and the LORD said in His heart: 'I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done.

Well, except on Judgement Day when He’ll really let His hair down.

Jeremiah 25:33 And the slain of the Lord shall be at that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried, they shall be dung upon the ground

So, did the God of happy smiling lovey-dovey-ness keep his word about not smiting anymore? Not really:

# 1 Samuel 6:19 Bodycount 50,070. Method? Smiting. Reason? Looking in the Ark of the Covenant

# Numbers 25:6-9 Bodycount 24,000 Method? Plague. Reason? Mixed marriage

# 2 Chronicles 13:15-18 Bodycount 500,000 Method? Slaughter. Reason? Being Israelites

# 2 Chronicles 28:6-8 Bodycount 120,000, Women & Children slaves 200,000 Method? Slaughter. Reason? Foresaking God.

# 2 Chronicles 14:8-12 Bodycount 1 million. Method? Smiting. Reason? Being Ethiopian

# 1 Corinthians 10:8 Bodycount 23,000 Method? Falling down dead. Reason? Having sex.

# Exodus 32:26-28 Bodycount 3000. Method? Slaughter. Reason? Not being on the Lord’s side

# Numbers 16:35 Bodycount 250. Method? Fire. Reason? I’m sure God had one at the time.

# Numbers 16:44-49 Bodycount 14,700. Method? Plague. Reason? Again…

# Numbers 25:1-9 Bodycount 24,000. Method? Plague. Reason? Whoring around.

# Judges 1:4 Bodycount 10,000. Method? Slaughter. Reason? Genocide.

# Judges 3:28-29 Bodycount 10,000. Method? Slaughter. Reason? Genocide.

The list goes on and on...

...Let’s just have a look at death tolls thus far:

God (excluding everyone and everything he killed in Noah’s time, and everyone and everything he will kill at the end of time): Several million, at least.

Satan: Erm…well….erm, he did tempt someone and he gave Job a few boils. Evil, I tell you. But otherwise that’s a big fat zero for the horned one.

What about tending to the flock? Rewards? Punishments? How do God and the Devil square up? I mean, it’s obvious isn’t it? God’s good, the devil’s bad. Right?


# Abandon God? He’ll kill 90% of the population (Amos 5:1-3)

# Homosexuality? Kill everybody. Raze their cities to the ground (Genesis 19:24-25)

# Make fun of God? Kill everybody (Isaiah 37:1-36))

# Naughty children? Death by stoning (Deuteronomy 21:20-21)

# Obesity? Kill everyone with a plague (Numbers 11:32-33, Psalms 78:31)

# Illegitimate child? Hell for 10 generations afterwards for the innocent child and its offspring, mandatory (Deuteronomy 23:2)

# Promiscuous women? Nose and ears cut off, children taken away, stripped, burned alive (Ezekiel 23:25-27)

# Raping a virgin? Marry the girl (Deuteronomy 22:28-29)

# Break God’s Commandments? Consumption, fever, inflammation, extreme burning, stabbing with sword, blasting, mildew, until death – plus the botch of Egypt, hemorrhoids, scabies, the itch, madness, blindness, and astonishment of heart. (Deuteronomy 28:15-28)

# Complain? Burned to death by Heavenly fire (Numbers 11:1)

# Worship another god? Entire community: Men – death by sword, babies smashed to pieces, women and children ripped apart (Hosea 13:16)


Erm... well nothing, really. He did offer Jesus a nice time-share on the world at one point though (Matthew 4:1-11). Nasty piece of work.

Hopefully, you will have noticed that there’s a pattern forming here. The truth is often hidden in plain view..."

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