
Thursday, November 17, 2005

Ah, the sweet dream of superpowers... - DNRC:
"Do you ever have moments when you think you may have spontaneously developed a super power? This happens to me a lot. For example, the other day I heard some sounds in the distance and my first thought was I wonder if normal people can hear that? For some reason, I felt as though I had developed super hearing. I'm optimistic that way.

I also spend way too much time staring at objects and trying to make them burst into flames. I realize it's a long shot, but how do your really know unless you try?

I grew up reading Superman and Spider-Man comics, so I take for granted that sooner or later I'll have a freak accident that gives me a super power. It'll hurt when it happens, for sure, but it will be worth it. I just hope it's not a crappy super power, such as the ability to add long columns of numbers in my head, or the power to eat an unlimited amount of eggs. I want the kind where I can kill people and impress people and ultimately kill the people who refuse to be impressed. And the witnesses too, of course."

1 comment:

  1. HA!

    I know for certain you're still waiting for your power-inducing accident. I know am at least. I secretly hope that if I'm ever shot, the bullets will bounce off.

    That is all.

