
Monday, October 03, 2005

Yep. Again.

Again, via PopOcculture:

...what many people working in alternative religions seem to be struggling with. An excerpt from that comment:

I find a flat materialistic, positivist, rationalist view of life to be unfullfilling. But I feel tormented because the left part of my conditioned brain knows it should accept no supernatural explanations for anything.

It is depressing to think we live in an absurd universe which has no instrinsic meaning because there is no spirit, nothing transcendental. I don’t want existential dread!

I keep seeing this same struggle come up in conversations I have with other people studying these fields...

Something tells me this is one of the key issues that all of us are trying to work through: overcoming not only the limitations of rationalism and materialism but also of much more pervasive cynicism and, depending on your age group, ironic distance. We’ve just become so type-cast in these cultural roles that many of us have a really hard time breaking out of them and opening ourselves up to true authentic experience of something else, something greater. I know, speaking from personal experience, that this is pretty much *THE* struggle that I’ve been working on these past few years, getting myself to a point where I’m able to accept these weird far out areas of life and thinking as not only legitimate, but real, valid, and most of all worthwhile.

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