
Sunday, October 23, 2005

"There is nothing contained in any words, anywhere"

Reproduced almost in full, apologies to the author.

Note: the profanity is actually there to evoke a specific psychological disconnect. Think Christopher Hyatt if you're familiar with his writing...

Knowing that beforehand pretty much ruins the intent for anyone else... but who am I kidding? I'm mostly just blogging this stuff for myself...

Alchemical Braindamage:
"Okay, enough of the metaphysical bollocks. You want power? Lets talk about muthafuckin power.

It's really simple. In fact it's so simple I doubt you can handle it. Yes you. I am talking to you. I doubt YOU can handle it. You're so hopelessly crippled by all the stupid bullshit in your head and all your idiotic concepts that I really doubt you will understand what I'm about to tell you. But let's give you the benefit of the doubt.

The truth about power is that it's already right there in front of you. You are born with all the authority you could ever need. You have way more power than you can ever use.

and I can hear all the little bitches whining already.... but I don't feel powerful..whinewhinewhine...

Yeah exactly. EXACTLY. You don't FEEL powerful. Why the fuck do you think that is? Do you think they raise robot slaves and obedient servants to feel powerful? Of course they fucking don't, asshole.

Nothing you see, or read or experience is going to make you powerful. There is nothing contained in these words. There is nothing contained in any words, anywhere. It is in you right now. It doesn't come from people either. You are either a master, a mistress, or a slave. You are either one of those people who is waiting for someone to tell them what to do or you are not. It's digital. On or off. Get with the fucking program or go home.

Still not simple enough? Do you suppose that these powerful people have something going for them you do not? Do you suppose there is some real difference between you and the politician, the rock star, the millionaire, the prophet? Did somebody infuse Martin Luther King Jr. with his authority, or did he just do it? Did someone give Jim Morrison his magnetic serpent power, or did he just step forth and get it?

Really. Really. STOP thinking. For once in your life stop thinking and understand this. Nobody has any power over you that you did not give them. The book didn't do it, the law didn't do it, your parents and siblings didn't do it. YOU did it. And you can do it again. You can do it whenever you want. You can say or do or have anything you want. Humans are the only creatures in nature pathetic enough to try and justify our own existance. You're alive, there is nothing to justify.

But won't that make me selfish? Fuck off. Seriously. Shut the window in your browser and fuck off. I don't have time for people like you. Morality is a construct. Don't pretend that you give a shit about any arbitrary construct. You do exactly what you're prepared to live with and nothing less. You can justify it any way you like, and lots of people do. Morality is an excuse to quit thinking. If you're afraid to actually do something useful with your thinking process, namely to examine and make intelligent and healthy choices about your interaction with people, then go back to what you were probably doing with it instead, namely disempowering yourself and becoming a better robot. There's plenty of people out there who will gladly tell you what a good person you are. I'm not one of them. I don't know, and I don't care.

Society is structured to check the tendency to exert power. Law is based on the terror of natural charisma. We're constantly exposed to examples of people who abuse other people, and this is meant to frighten us into not going anywhere near our own power, as if that will automatically make you into Hitler or Charlie Manson. It's all a fucking sham. Society has fuck all to do with laws and everything to do with influence. If you want to delude yourself that morality and laws make the slightest bit of difference, you need to go back and finish puberty. Society is built on those too stupid and naive to recognize that charisma and natural influence is and always has been the glue of human groups. Period.

The world, the things in it, and yourself are exactly, mean exactly, are limited exactly and only exactly in the ways you say they are. Get it through your fucking head.

You talk about authority as if it were something that fell from the sky, and granted, that is a popular story. It didn't fall from the sky. All authority came from somebody who wasn't afraid to use it, and make up a story about where it came from. God? God is everywhere and nowhere, it's like open source software. Make up your own story if you want, and be ready to back it up. The hospitals are full of people who didn't have the juice to walk their talk. If you can keep it together long enough to attract some followers, then you'll probably be fine. Groupies, friends, or employees. Whatever.

Does this sound cynical? Does this sound like I'm condoning abuse of the innocent and gullible? Why are you still here? Why are you wasting both of our times? What in the fuck makes you think I have the ability to condone or authorize anything you do? Or anything anyone else does either? I don't. Anyone stupid enough to think that is not someone who's going to understand what I'm saying anyway. Just go away. Flagellate yourself with someone else's words please.

People who want to abuse and harm others are going to abuse and harm others regardless. Would you like me to do something about that? Fine. All you out there who might be reading this and feel that you may be abusive and harmfull at some time in your future, go kill yourselves instead. Or better yet, just be a nice robot. Raise bunny rabbits for kids in cancer wards. I dunno.

There. Happy now? Either you're prepared to trust that humans are mostly positive and constructive in their natures or not. It's pretty simple.

But all that shit is besides the point. Either you get it or you don't . You are the source of authority. Full stop. The only obstacle is quite simply whether you are prepared to get it on or not.

You will not be flying in the face of all the other authority figures out there. there are very few, to start with. Most of them derive their power from second or third hand sources anyway. They have no idea how to deal with the real thing. In case it weren't obvious already by the sickening spectacle of hurricane katrina, the paper mache reality of all your so-called authority figures is rapidly coming clear as nothing more than the naked use and abuse of simple power. I have a lot of sympathy for anyone dumb enough to cling to these delusions like the railing of the titanic. I hope you find whatever you think you're going to find by living that way.

Start your own Church. Start your own FUCKING COUNTRY, already. It's not like there won't be room for new versions of both pretty soon. You think I'm joking? I'm not fucking joking. You still don't get it. Go watch the Simpsons and drown in the irony like the fluid in some geriatric patient's lungs. The world is exactly the way it is because people LIKE YOU are too fucking meek to step up and do what's best for the planet and the people on it. You can tell me all this simple compassion shit if it makes you feel better. You can absolve yourself of responsibilty with more generation x slacker bullshit:

oooohhh but what gives me the right to decide what's best for everyone else?

Exactly the same goddamn thing that gives that simpering alchoholic on tv the right to decide what's best for everyone. NOTHING. N-O-T-H-I-N-G. Please tell me you get this. Please tell me you aren't going to sit there and piss away the abilty to do something good, because you're afraid to make a judgement call. And yeah, I noticed I used the word 'good'. Is that a problem? Too fucking bad. You obviously still aren't getting this.

Once you start acting as if the universe will provide everything you could possibly want, you will see it quickly starting to comply with that state of being. All this other magick bullshit is simply meant to be training wheels and perceptual tools.

Homework: for all you fledgling power users out there, pick something on your list that requires an act of decisive will and just do it. NOW.

next time: More bullshit for those you who haven't got it yet, and probably never will.

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