
Monday, October 17, 2005

"Magick is not about truth anymore than science is about meaning."

Via LVX23:
Magick is not about truth anymore than science is about meaning. Both are very functional perspectives on existence. Magick should not hope for proof via science nor should it seek validation in mechanism... Likewise, I don't wish for the magic of magick to be similarly "explained". Existence proceeds from, and ends in, mystery. It's only the human mind that finds it so difficult to come to terms with this. But the transformative currents moving through humanity at this time are eroding such dualisms and undermining mechanistic "truths". Truth does not exist in any comprehensible form. We only have maps and models. Perspectives. Gather together enough perspectives on existence and we may have some real insight into the fuzzy object at the core of creation. It's like a diamond of infinite facets, each one another angle on the Absolute core.

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