
Sunday, October 02, 2005

I am utterly fascinated by this...

...and I don't know why. Via Treehugger:
This one is for the ladies. And to all you men who are reading this please spread the word to your women folk...

The Mooncup is revolutionary for all of us who spend ridiculous amounts of time and money using the various products out there for absorbing our monthly flow. The case against sanitary towels and tampons is well documented, due to their huge contribution to landfill and the risks to our health: with chlorine bleaching, carcinogenic absorbency gels and potential Toxic Shock Syndrome.

Without going into too much detail, for the more squeamish among you, I will briefly explain what the Mooncup is and how it works. It is a silicon cup about five cms long which can be folded and inserted (sort of like a tampon). Inside it resumes its natural shape and ‘forms a seal with your vaginal walls allowing your menstrual fluid to pass into the Mooncup without leakage or odour.’ The cup can be emptied as often as necessary, though this is usually less frequent than tampons or towels need changing.

Apart from the fantastic convenience of only needing one cup rather than carrying around lots of bulky tampons and towels, the advantages of the Mooncup are numerous: Environmentally speaking it greatly reduces waste going into landfill and it doesn’t require the usage of the usual chemicals, bleaches and synthetics that go into producing all those super absorbent, whiter than white products we normally buy.

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