
Friday, October 14, 2005

The first rule of fight club is... pad up the kids real good like and let 'em whack away at each other.

Actually, these are some pics from the Daido Juku tournament that Shoda sensei took me to on last Monday. Kids fights, Kyokushin rules fights and Daido Juku rules fights.

Surprisingly, the most brutal fights weren't the MMA fights. They were the Kyokushin fights. With no takedowns and no headshots, it turns into rock'em sock'em robots with them just banging away as hard as they can to the legs and body. Couple guys were so banged up they couldn't walk after. One guy's ankle swoll up the size of a grapefruit.

Shoda keeps asking me if I want to try a shiai, and I told him maybe next year. Course that means training with some intensity and dropping about 15kg or so... What have I gotten myself into?

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