
Monday, October 31, 2005

Evolver: An Interview With Daniel Pinchbeck, Part 2 - Pop Occulture

Evolver: An Interview With Daniel Pinchbeck, Part 2 - Pop Occulture:
"...reality bears resemblance to the ideas of the scientist Rupert Sheldrake, who proposes that the “Laws of Nature” are not actually laws but more like “habits” that change and evolve over time, through the creation of new “morphogenetic fields.” We only think they are “laws” because science developed at a time when the model of God was of an immutable and unchanging patriarchal figure...

...the nature of reality is indeed shifting on us. This is happening on many levels at once. Most obviously, it is taking place in material form through accelerated climate change – check out the UN Millenium Eco-Systems Assessment for details. There are about two fish left in the oceans, and Eskimos are going to find it hard to have a snowball fight soon enough. The imminent depletion of energy supply in a Peak Oil crisis is also not a hallucination but something that is going to radically change our lives within the next few years. At the same time, something very peculiar has happened to our political sphere and mainstream media. It is as though they have entered a delusionary and superficial forcefield that allows no room for nuance or integrity or intelligent questioning. I see it as the exhausting or emptying out or forfeiting of an entire form of human consciousness... Gebser foresaw the crisis of anxiety for this form of consciousness, forcing a “mutational break” into a new structure of human consciousness, which he called “integral – aperspectival,” with a different relationship to time, space, psyche, cosmos, and a different model of truth..."

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