
Thursday, September 29, 2005

What Kind Of Asshole Conservative Response Did You Have?

Funny. Via Pandagon:

What Kind Of Asshole Conservative Response Did You Have?
Posted by Jesse Taylor at 12:55 PM

It's like a Livejournal quiz...only without the quiz part. You get to decide what kind of asshole conservative response you'd have to Hurricane Katrina!

Religious Conservative
God hates faggots and the rich white unmarried college kids who travel down to the French Quarter every year to drink, carouse, and deposit various genital secretions on or in each other. Thus, he killed a bunch of straight black people with families.

Economic Conservative
New Orleans was destroyed because it was a pitiful welfare state, the root cause of which was a mixture of the endemic nature of black people to rely on Big Daddy government coupled with the endemic nature of liberals to prey on black people. This explains their reluctance to pay $5 for a waterlogged Twinkie - years of socialism have stained their ability to understand that market economics require the fucking over of black people during emergencies, lest the government actually help them and turn their children into welfare-loving parasites. Gay welfare-loving parasites.

Cultural Conservative
The race pimps and hustlers keep saying this is about race. It isn't. It's about niggers being too stupid to move out of the way of the storm.

Faux-Moderate Conservatives
We're in the midst of a crisis here - there's plenty of blame to go around. We'll apportion Democrats' now and the rest to Republicans when New Orleans is 2025.

Compassionate Conservatives
Finally, Katrina has done what years of government intervention couldn't - herd all the poor black people into a giant stadium where they can be dealt with by giant trucks of crap from Wal*Mart. Where's my firefighter calendar?

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