
Thursday, September 29, 2005

Surely, nothing could go wrong...

Say, they never did catch that anthrax guy did they? Wonder why that could be...

Via Warren Ellis:
US Army Bulk-Buys Anthrax
Filed under:

* researchmaterial

— warrenellis @ 4:54 pm

The US military wants to buy large quantities of anthrax, in a controversial move that is likely to raise questions over its commitment to treaties designed to limit the spread of biological weapons.

A series of contracts have been uncovered that relate to the US army’s Dugway Proving Ground in Utah. They ask companies to tender for the production of bulk quantities of a non-virulent strain of anthrax, and for equipment to produce significant volumes of other biological agents.

The US renounced biological weapons in 1969, but small quantities of lethal anthrax were still being produced at Dugway as recently as 1998…

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