
Friday, September 02, 2005


Australian mythology says the Ancient Ones sang the world into creation. Fundamentally, the world is the result of the singing of songs. And songs are stories.

The world is made up of stories.

Zen Buddhism 101 says that the only real moment is NOW. The past and the future exist only in your imagination.

But imagination is everything.

Everything that has ever happened to you exists, now, only in your imagination. It's only what you THINK happened to you. Your thoughts and memories of the things that happened are not the things themselves. They're only your interpretation, your selection, of experience. We linguistically symbolize the events that occur in our own lives. The map of the experience is not the territory traveled. The map is not the territory. But we all use the maps to navigate our lives.

Your past, your identity, your reality... are all only the stories you repeatedly tell yourself over time. Out of the billions of life experiences you've had, you've chosen to emphasize only a select few to define who you are as a person and how the world is.

This is your story.
About yourself.
About the world.

The world is made up of stories.

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