
Saturday, September 03, 2005

Business Vs Government

Via Driftglass:

I believe that national problems – like clean air and water, security, education, health – require national solutions.

I believe in Capitalism...contained. You want to make a mint, terrific. I’m all for that, but if your business uses public services and relies on police and fire protection, the air not killing you, the roads being passable and the workforce being educated, well then you can fucking well kick in for those things, ya’ moochin’ bastard.

I believe that only the countervailing force of a strong national government can hold Big Business in check and keep it from bulldozing the place form sea to shining sea to improve the bottom line. Making a profit and satisfying the shareholding are the natural drivers of business, and there’s nothing wrong with that, as long as there is a socially conscious foot tapping the brake enough so that we aren’t driven off a cliff.

I believe what goes for keeping Big Business in check goes double for Big Religion. And then cube that.

So I believe in a stong national government that can do these things.

However there is another Party in power now that believes in a weak or non-existent national government, which is ironic given that they ARE the government now – they control every branch, every committee and every agenda.

This other Party believes states and individuals should basically root, hog or die. Fend for yourself, and if you fail, fuck you. Please die and get out of their way. Kind of a mingy, heartless and mean-spirited dogma -– especially since a staggering number of these mean little bastards STRONGLY identify themselves and their Party and not only Christian...but a Damned Sight Better Bunch of Christians than anyone else on the face of the Earth –- but it’s their dogma nonetheless: it’s printed right there on the letterhead... [More at link]

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