
Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Why I'd be a bad father...

Cause I agree with just about everything here:

In what other ways would I be a bad Dad? From education to alcohol, from arts to medicine, I would try to do what’s right regardless of the law or social expectations. Obviously, my course of action would have to take these into account; no one wants to go to jail or not have enough money. But while I would want my children to learn prudence and responsibility, I wouldn’t want them to value conformity, especially to an unjust regime and absurd social order. I’d rather home-school in a trailer park and be free than have a huge house in the ’burbs and send my kids to a "good" indoctrination camp.

But my biggest crime as a father would be that I’d discourage my children from going into law enforcement and the military. Rather, I’d want them to be constantly skeptical of the government’s claims that its wars are necessary and its laws are just. Yes, I would also want my children to be courageous. Physically courageous, ready to lay down their lives to save somebody in peril. But I would be a bad Dad, because I would teach my children that love of country is not the same as faith in government.

I would not want my children to sneer at cops or soldiers, or doubt their motives... But the patriotism of decent, honorable soldiers will not excuse them when they lay down their lives for their "country," if their country is in the wrong...

I would be a bad Dad because I would not want my kids to trust their leaders and obey orders.


  1. I just happened onto your blog! I have raised two daughters, have great sons-in-law and five beautiful grandchildren. From reading this entry, I would have to disagree with you. It sounds like you would make a wonderful father! I used to go with the flow and think our leaders knew best. I no longer believe that and encourage more people to speak up and stand up for what really matters.

  2. "It sounds like you would make a wonderful father!"

    Well, thank you, that's very kind of you to say.

    Best of luck to and yours...
