
Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Soon to be patented: Rob's Japanese Tuna [or Egg] Salad Recipe

Quick, easy and filled with proteins, fats, veggies, minerals and antioxidants. The only downside is I'm going through a tube or two of wasabi a week. It's addictive.

Take a couple cans of tuna [or a couple hard boiled eggs, chopped up] and toss 'em in a mixing bowl or tupperware. Chop a tomato up and throw that in there too. Scissor up a sheet of nori [dried seaweed] and sprinkle that around. Add a healthy dollop of mayo and good shot of wasabi. Mix it all up and you're good to go. You put it on a sandwich, or do what I usually do and eat it straight outta the bowl. Oh yeah, you can throw some shredded cheese in there too, if you like. Salt and pepper to taste, as always.

Mmmmmm.... Wasabi...

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