
Tuesday, August 30, 2005

The Shower

The shower gets it's own post. "Why" you ask? Because if there was one amazingly frustrating thing about when we lived in Japan before, it was the shower. The building was concrete, so, basically, was the shower. There were mats down and all, but fundamentally the shower was a concrete box. There was no hot water from the tap. It was gas heated, which demanded an arcane fuse lighting/heating procedure, that in the cold, in the AM, was, well, annoying as hell. And to top it all off, our hand held shower attachment was screwed up. Sure, we jerry-rigged [or is that jury-rigged? I can never remember...] it, thanks to the magic that is duct tape, but still, during the winter months you had a choice - hot water OR water pressure. You want both? At the same time? Well, that's just crazy talk.

So come with me now, join hands, and sing with me the praises of our excellent shower... that has phenomenal water pressure, heat at the push of a button, and insulation.

Praise Jesus!

1 comment:

  1. The one thing I miss from my Japanese bathroom was the drain in the middle of the floor. Cleaning the bathroom was just a matter of slopping everything with ammonia and then hosing it down.
