
Thursday, August 25, 2005


I'm taking pictures of pictures now, god help us [but all for your benefit, because I love you all so]... These are from my Fukutsu city welcome party, attended by such luminaries such the Deputy Mayor, my nominal boss the Head of the Board of Ed and other important people who's job description I couldn't quite follow.

As you may notice, yes, there was singing. They made me sing. At least they made Malik and Kathy sing too. John Denver's "Country Road" of all things. And everyone knew the song. The Japanese can be a quirky people.

And this was all the "official" welcome party. Afterwards - yes the cliche is somewhat true - we went to karaoke, and then another bar, and then yet another bar/noodle shop.

How we ever defeated this nation in a war is beyond me. Their drinking endurance alone should've propelled them to victory.

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