
Thursday, August 25, 2005

The Big Questions...

Via Mark Morford, in his latest column titled "Ex-Cheerleaders I Never Groped - In which Mark Morford survives his high school reunion, still unmarried and childless":

...This is the high school reunion. It is the most curious thing. You attend one and you are calmly slammed up against the wall of your past, and your head convulses and you memories frappé because there are all these, you know, people, and they seem to know you, and you take one look at them and you are hurled into a nifty time warp and you say, oh my God, that's right. I remember now.

...Ah, there it is. The true Ultimate Point. I feel it now. It is, of course, the hot breath of time, bearing down. This is the dark secret of reunions: They are all about mortality. About aging and the vagaries of the flesh and, you know, death -- how fast you are racing toward it, clinging to the walls of your life like a child being dragged off to bed and you feel compelled to ask yourself, Well, how are you thwarting that feeling? What have you learned? What the hell are you doing about it?

Are you beaten down? Are you singing as you go? Screaming? Have you made the right choices since you were 18? Do you know who you are and why you're here and did it turn out at all like you imagined? Well, why the hell not? Or if so, where are you going from here?


  1. Hey, bro

    On a side note, did you get the notice for our upcoming 15 year reunion? Reading this made me think of it. I imagine it'll be in the spring of next year as I've not noticed a date on it yet. Convergence? Perhaps...


  2. No I sure didn't...

    You can pass on my address here in Japan/email to whoever's organizing it, though I don't imagine I'll make it... The commute would be a bitch.

    I don't reunions always stuck me as... eh... I mean, I kept up with most of the folks I wanted to, you know?

  3. It's on believe it or not. I didn't spend too much time reading the notice, but I may actually go to this one. It depends. I hear ya though, long flight from there to here. I'll pass along your addy as the time grows nearer. The notice I got seemed to be an automated message to the classmembers registered on classmates.

    So, on a side note, am I like the only real person that comments on your stuff? I've read some of the other comments and they seem to be advertisements for other websites.


  4. Yep, you seem to be the only one... cept Sandy, the once... only you really love me.

    Don't think I don't appreciate it :)
