
Sunday, August 21, 2005

"Ame desu"

Which means it's raining again today.

So plans to head into Tenjin and Fukuoka city will be left to fallow until the weather decides to cooperate some weekend. No big deal really as there wasn't anything vitally important I needed to pick up, just some odds and ends I haven't been able to locate here in Fukutsu. I need one of those mega-uber Japan department stores with about 9 floors and a bakery in the basement...

Which means, instead, I'LL UPDATE MY BLOG!

Dear god, I'm turning into an even bigger geek than I was before...

But anyways, time to make some breakfast/lunch [you know, a lot of people might've just written "brunch" there - but not me - I'm a rebel - I can't be constrained by convention] and then I'll be back to post up some pics and ruminate on Japan, my job, etc, etc...

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