
Awesome - "Mike Tyson Tells Larry Wilmore Which Fighters He Could Beat."

Via BroBible: "Mike Tyson was on The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore Thursday night and, of course, it was terrific. Who knew 15 years ago that Mike Tyson would become one of the most genial and funny guys on the planet? So when the time came for Wilmore’s “Keep It 100″ segment where guests have to be 100% honest Larry just had to go to Mike Tyson for the Q&A. The topic? Which fighters, both real and fictional could Iron Mike have beaten in a boxing match? Here are some of his answers, though even it’s way better watching Mike’s reactions in the video below if you have a chance. Muhammad Ali: “Ali wins.” Joe Louis: “I win.” Rocky II: “I win.” George Foreman: “Might be close.”"

President Obama Reads 'Mean Tweets' On Jimmy Kimmel.

Politics remains useless, but Obama saying 'Thanks Obama' is never not funny.  Watch President Obama Read 'Mean Tweets' On Jimmy Kimmel Live!: "President Barack Obama was on Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Thursday night...  The President also participated in Kimmel’s signature “Celebrities Reading Mean Tweets” skit. I know this is surprising, but yes, even the President of the United States gets 140-characters of negativity sent to him on Twitter. With his approval rating hovering below 50 percent, there is no shortage of criticism of the President, but he said that the Tweets were not as mean as “what the Senate says about me.”"


Also, sometimes I find religious iconography to be acceptable. 

"775 confirmed kills in one picture, 1945."

Snipers of the Soviet Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "In 1943, there were over 2,000 women functioning [as snipers.]"

775 confirmed kills: "Female snipers of the 3rd Shock Army, 1st Belorussian Front. 1st row – Guard Staff Sergeant, VN Stepanov: 20 kills. Guard Sgt JP Belousov: 80 kills. Guard Sgt AE Vinogradov: 83 kills. 2nd row – Guard Lieutenant EK Zhibovskaya: 24 kills. Guard Sgt KF Marinkin: 79 kills. Guard Sgt OS Marenkina: 70 kills. 3rd row – Guard Lieutenant NP Belobrova: 70 kills. Lieutenant N. Lobkovsky: 89 kills. Guard Lieutenant VI Artamonov: 89 kills. Guard Staff Sergeant MG Zubchenko: 83 kills. 4th row – Guard Sergeant, NP Obukhov: 64 kills. Guard Sergeant, AR Belyakov 24 kills Total number of confirmed kills: 775. Photo taken in Germany, May 4, 1945. 
 Because of chronic problems in finding the manpower to fulfill military and industrial tasks, the Soviet Government recruited some 7.75 million women, of whom 800,000 served in the military. Sniping was a precision role, which many women soldiers performed with expertise. It is estimated that in 1943 there were more than 2000 female snipers in the Soviet armed forces. Female snipers have been credited with more than 12,000 confirmed kills. The Soviet Union used women for sniping duties extensively, and to great effect, including Nina Alexeyevna Lobkovskaya and Ukrainian Lyudmila Pavlichenko (who killed over 300 enemy soldiers). The Soviets found that sniper duties fit women well, since good snipers are patient, careful, deliberate, can avoid hand-to-hand combat, and need higher levels of aerobic conditioning than other troops. Women were regarded as having the skills and nerves required for accurate marksmanship. Notwithstanding male skepticism, Major General Morozov, “the father of the sniper movement”, attributed superior female marksmanship to the fact that “a woman’s hand is more sensitive than is a man’s. Therefore when a woman is shooting, her index finger pulls the trigger more smoothly and purposefully”."

Snipers of the Soviet Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Klavdiya Kalugina, one of the youngest Soviet female snipers (age 17 at the start of her military service in 1943)"

Get it together, NC.

Well, at least you're not Florida.  ​Which State’s Price-Related Googling Is the Saddest? | VICE | United States: "You can tell a lot about a person by what they aspire to own, or badly need to buy. That could have been the impetus behind a map that's making the internet rounds today—it's a graphic that ostensibly answers the question " What cost is each state obsessed with?" by testing how Google autocompleted the phrase "How much does *blank* cost in [NAME OF STATE]?""

Friday, March 13, 2015


3/13 - press, chins, dips, pulldowns

Thursday, March 12, 2015


3/12 - shadowbox/heavy bag, yoga, stretch

*People* deserve love, compassion, kindness & understanding, but...

...bad *ideas*, flawed reasoning, excuses, nonsense, justifications and all the other assorted bullshit deserve nothing but the harshest criticism, ridicule and scorn.

Con Man - "A new comedy from Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion produced by YOU!"

 #Geekgasm  Con Man | Indiegogo: "Wray Nerely (Alan Tudyk-Me!) was a co-star on Spectrum, a sci-fi series which was canceled -Too Soon- yet became a cult classic. Wray’s good friend, Jack Moore (Nathan Fillion) starred in the series and has gone on to become a major movie star. While Jack enjoys the life of an A-lister, Wray tours the sci-fi circuit as a guest of conventions, comic book stores, and lots of pop culture events.  The show will feature all the weird and crazy things that happen to Wray along the way to these events."