Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sugar bad, fat good.

Reversing Alzheimer's with saturated fat. Much more at the link.

Alzheimer’s and Ketone Bodies from Coconut Oil | Free The Animal:
"So, too much sugar (including things that reduce to sugar, i.e., grain products), too much insulin, resulting in insulin resistance, and you may get "diabetes of the brain," now sometimes referred to as Type III Diabetes. [Alzheimer’s]

Now what's interesting is that ketogenic diets have been used for a long, long time (1920s) for epilepsy, and if not mistaken, recently for other neurological disorders as well. Well, another word for "ketogenic diet" is low-carb, paleo, etc.

But, there's another way to produce ketones than going ultra-low carb and producing them as the by-product of your own fat metabolism. You can just eat a lot of saturated fat...

Coming full circle, these are just the sorts of stories I like best because it affirms a principle. Let's call it The Animal Principle: Wild animals don't typically and systematically suffer from our range of diseases of civilization because they eat and behave in accordance with their natures.

First of all, if we ate and behaved in accordance with our natures, there would likely be no diabetes to speak of (not even T1), no obesity, little cancer, Alzheimer's, heart disease, stroke, etc., as has been observed and documented in dozens of traditional hunter-gatherer and non-industrial societies for a couple of centuries. Simply eliminate sugar and grains and you're 90% there.

...Most funny of all is that everyone's afraid to say "a class of saturated fats." Nope, "medium chain triglycerides.""

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