Wednesday, September 05, 2007

"Most people who get to know you well don't like you because you are kind of a jerk-off. "

Which Heroes character are you?
Your Result: Nathan Petrelli

You are Nathan Petrelli.
You can fly, but you couldn't care less about your power. Most people who get to know you well don't like you because you are kind of a jerk-off. You have a lot of charisma and power, and constantly use both to benifit yourself.

Hiro Nakamura
Claire Bennet
Matt Parkman
Peter Petrelli
Issac Mendez
Niki Sanders
Which Heroes character are you?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz


  1. Hahahahaha...

    Results: Which Heroes character are you?Your results for this quiz have been calculated and are presented below:

    Which Heroes character are you?
    Your Result: Hiro Nakamura

    You are Hiro Nakamura. You can bend space and time with your mind. You always try to do what is right and you are very innocent. Maybe too innocent. You took a trip to the future and saw NYC blow up. Now you are focused on saving the world. You also love sci-fi.

    Matt Parkman
    Claire Bennet
    Peter Petrelli
    Issac Mendez
    Nathan Petrelli
    Niki Sanders

  2. ha ha! it called you a jerk off. funny how computer quizzes know people so well...
