Sunday, May 07, 2006


Pushing Yourself to Power: The Ultimate Guide to Total Body Transformation

Life is movement.

No one should ever tell anyone how to live, pray, train, or eat unless he or she is an example.

Attributes of Dynamic Functional Fitness
Strength, Flexibility, Endurance, Speed, Balance, Coordination, Aesthetics


...consciously make a decision to never say anything about yourself that you do not wish to be absolutely true. Never underestimate the power of your words to heal or to destroy, to create and bring positive cricumstances into your life. In fact, good things can't help but happen when other people begin to regard you as a source of positive reinforcement and inspiration. have abundance in all areas of life, in order to move up to a superior level of life, in order to have the good things of life, your mind [intellect and emotions], body [the part of you that is seen in the physical world], and spirit [the you in control of the mind and body] must all be moving in the same direction. When that happens, what is commonly referred to as "miracles" begin to happen almost routinely.

...the simple point is this: Whatever you believe about yourself, both intellectually and emotionally, will determine who and what you become physically and spiritually. For that reason alone you must guard your thoughts, your speech, and all of your associations. If you surround yourself with positive reinforcement in what you see, hear, think and verbalize, and if you follow through with positive action - you will meet with a positive outcome. It is inevitable!


What makes you think I need or want someone else's approval or endorsement? Is it not the very earmark of a slave to have to beg permission of his master to do something or be anything? I'm not part of that crowd. Never have been. Never will be.


It's not up to me or any other person to determine what is right for you spiritually or to tell you what is the right and only version you must believe or th edenomination you must attend. Anyone who claims to have all the answers for you is on an ego trip, and you shouldn't give them the time of day. I know whereof I speak, because I grew up in an atmosphere where there were many self appointed preachers who were more than willing to tell other people what to think, believe and do. And in most cases the very people whom they were preaching at were already living more righteous lives than they were.

Bottom line: there are many people who would do themselves, God, and the people whom they preach at big favor if they just shut up. Am I saying you shouldn't share your faith? Absolutely not. The fact is that every person you meet is told through your actions, including your words, who you are and what your faith is. And those actions speak louder than any words you could ever speak. For you, me or anyone else to lay a religious trip on another person is to become nothing more than a pulpit pounding prophet of religious paranoia. And no one needs that.

I tell you this to warn you about those who use God's Word as a weapon for their agenda rather than as an inspiration for your transformation. No one has the right to determine your spiritual destiny except you and God. Remember that. Keep it in perspective and realize that every life is tough and every person is continually on a journey of self discovery.

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