Wednesday, May 31, 2006

It's what you focus on. Breathe. Repeat. It's what you focus on. Breathe. Repeat. It's what you focus on...

Death Death Death Death Death / This is your news. This is your news on a morbid high of tragedy and mayhem. Can you deflect?:
"Regardless, people often ask: 'What are all these bleeding and scowling headlines trying to tell me? Is there really murder on every corner and corruption in every CEO's soul? What the hell am I supposed to do with this all the bleak and wretched information pumped forth by major media every minute of every day?'

Sometimes these are the only questions we're allowed to ask. Am I merely to wallow in just how much life is nasty, brutish and hilariously short? Am I never to go outside lest I be attacked by angry pigeons with nail guns and rabid bird flu? Is my car being broken into and are rabid cancer cells attacking my colon as I read this very sentence? Because, Christ on a pogo stick, some days it sure seems like it.

...But here's the thing: The wise ones tell us that whatever you focus on, expands. Wherever you direct you attention and wherever you put your energy and your heart and your concern, that thing will suddenly seem bigger and more important and potentially all-consuming. Is your attention excessively on death and corruption at the expense of laughter and perspective? That is your reality. Is it all about perky happy bunnies and tofu sunsets at the expense of harsher realities? This is your choice.

You cannot always choose what sort of slings and arrows the world hurls at your heart, nor should you try to avoid them all in some weeping lament at the state of it all. But no matter the blood and no matter the mayhem and no matter the hyperbole, you can always choose how you'll respond

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